Sunday, January 18, 2015

How did I learn to program computers?

When I was young, 5th or 6th grade, I was given a TRS-80 computer.  I typed in programs from the user manual.  These programs were written in Basic.  The really old basic where the line number was an important part of the syntax of the language. Here is the program to convert fahrenheit to celsius :


I leart computer programming by example.  its that how all new technologies are taught?  How do you shoot? Well hold my beer and watch this ... Heck you don't even need that.  I just had to read the user manual that was clear and straight forward.  It said do this and that will happen.  Then I would do that and that happened.

Well I won't subject my students to that. Today we have "javascript". What the hell. Everyone reading this has a computer with a program that can present meaningful output to a user given javascript as input. The important part of that last sentence was, "meaningful output" and "input".
That is what computer programming is about.  Computer programming is not a lot of things,but it is
about giving a computer input (your program and data) and getting a result that you can use for whatever purpose.  Computer programming is not about how smart you are,because learning how to program a computer will make you smarter.